In the spirit of Christmas, he's offering you his Bronze PLR Package free of charge and with no strings attached. Just go to the site and download the materials.
You don't even have to give him your email address to receive full PLR rights to the materials in the free pack.
* Build rebrandable reports.
* Edit them and sell them as your own.
* Convert them into audio products.
* Develop a coaching program around them.
* Stock a membership site with them.
* Extract parts for blog posts.
Grab the bronze package at no cost to you here: PLR Blowout
Take a look and grab the PLR pack that best fits your needs. You owe it to yourself to at least grab the FREE Bronze PLR Package even if you don't plan on using them until sometime in the future, you won't find better quality content for the price. You get full PLR rights to the article and report.